About me
In 1995 I bought my first Austin Gipsy

I had never seen one before
I was intrigued by the fact that it was made by Austin and the independent suspension was really surprising to see.
In 1998 I started the Austin Gipsy site
My Gipsy had gotten pretty rusty so I took it off the road to restore it. I started searching the internet for information and parts sources. Most everyone I talked to had never seen a Gipsy before, I talked to the local British car club and they told me it was an Austin Champ.
My Daughter in grade 5 at the time was learning how to make a website in school. I thought that if a kid can build a website then so can I. I started with the photo you see here and a simple single page asking for information about the Austin Gipsy. The first person to contact me was James Dunsdon, he was a great source of knowledge on the Gipsy and we have been friends ever since. Over the years I have collected photos of Gipsys from around the world and have gathered information from fellow Gipsy enthusiasts all of which I have posted on the Austin Gipsy site, it is truly the Austin Gipsy enthusiasts website.
Having this site has led me to a lot of great adventures, from the Netherlands to Italy to USA and Baja Mexico. I have met a lot of great people and have made some great friends as well! And I hope to make more great friends and memories in the years to come.