Ex AFS / Home office Gipsys
These Gipsys were sold by the Home office in 1997.
(Courtesy James Dunsdon)
About these home office Gipsys, the Gipsy register had known for some time about these vehicles, the home office had bought several hundred gipsys, fire engines, land rovers and other similar vehicles in the sixties, in case of a national disaster such as nuclear holocaust. They kept these vehicles amid much secrecy in blast proof bunkers (in the early years at least), they were kept ready for instant use, so were just checked over occasionally, just waiting for the doors to swing open and to swarm out to deal with the fall out of a nuclear blast. But, of course, they were never needed. By the early nineties it seemed that the Gipsys had been forgotten, still in their sealed environment storage, they were slowly gathering dust. The Austin Gipsy register however kept up the pressure for them to be released, and eventually someone within the vast corridors made the decision for the Gipsys to go. There were 97 in the auction yard, and what a day it was! seeing the pictures and thinking about it again I am reminded of the atmosphere-surrounded by 30 year old vehicles, silent, every direction, all in new condition and all at one time expected to be used in time of nuclear world war. It certainly was a weird feeling. As it was such a unique sale, nobody knew how much the vehicles would make. Estimates ranged from #10,000 each to a few hundred pounds for a batch (sounded good to me!) in the end however they went for about #3,500 each, not much when you think about it. Didn’t get one though, they were just a couple of hundred pounds over what we had intended, we have bitterly regretted it ever since, the last ever chance to buy a new Gipsy. so… thats the story of the sale of the century! James Dunsdon
1962 596 CLP / G2 M15 / Owner: John Dunsdon / Location: England
1964 924FUW / Owner: John Sullivan / Location UK
1964 704FUW / Owner: Bob Parsons / Location Banbury Oxfordshire
1965 CYY311C / Owner William Whitehouse / Location Scotland
1965 CYY312C / Owner Ian Ritchie/ Location UK
1963 / Owner: Allen Powell / Location: Carolina USA
1965 CYY304C / Owner: Pieter Edeling / Location: Sneek, Holland
1964 920FUW / Owner: Colin MacDonald / Location: Scotland
1965 CYY290C / Owner: Michael Mason / Location: UK
1965 CYY261C / Owner: Grenville Pow / Location: South Whales
1965 CYY324C / Owner: Glenn Kemp / Location: Nanaimo BC Canada
1965 CYY312C / Owner: Guy Loveridge / Location: Emley Yorkshire UK
1965 CYY309C / Owner: Joe Nolan / Location: Athy Co, Kildare, Republic of Ireland
1965 CYY300C / Owner: Julian Keevil / Location: Manakin Sabot, Virginia USA
1965 CYY353C / Owner: Maurice Shelvin / Location: Nottinghamshire UK
1965 CYY299C / Owner: Rob Smith / Location: Knaresborough, North Yorkshire, England